ワークショップ「六甲からはじめる vol.2」 Workshop “Start from Rokko vol.2”
■ 会 期:2012年4月21日(土)~5月6日(日) 11:00〜19:00(最終日17:00まで)期間中無休
■ 会 場:SELF-SO ART GALLERY セルフソウ アートギャラリー
〒602-8314 京都市上京区六軒町通今出川上ル佐竹町125
TEL/FAX 075-465-7577
2012年3月 植田麻由
Workshop “Start from Rokko”
I was born and grew up, and live in Kobe.
Kobe is very close to the mountain and the sea.
I live at the foot of Mt. Rokko .
Kobe is a beautiful city, but there was a big earthquake in 1995.
Then, there was the Great East Japan Earthquake in Japan in 2011.
So I will be start my volunteer project using the wool. this is a separate project from my work.
I use wool as a tool to connect a person and a person together.
I value place.
So I begin this project from the wool of the Mt. Rokko farm of Kobe where I was born.
March,2012 Mayu Ueda