21 July~ 31 Aug. 2015
Workshop “Start from Rokko vol.8 in MT, USA”
Summer studio at Archie Bray Foundation for Ceramic Art
(Helena, Montana, United States of America)
The other summer resident artist who use wool at her works gave me wools of some colors from Montana, I did that by these. I’ll bring back that, and will connect to the lump of wools in Japan.
Workshop “Start from Rokko”
I was born and grew up, and live in Kobe.
Kobe is very close to the mountain and the sea.
I live at the foot of Mt. Rokko .
Kobe is a beautiful city, but there was a big earthquake in 1995.
Then, there was the Great East Japan Earthquake in Japan in 2011.
So I will be start my volunteer project using the wool. this is a separate project from my work.
I use wool as a tool to connect a person and a person together.
I value place.
So I begin this project from the wool of the Mt. Rokko farm of Kobe where I was born.
March,2012 Mayu Ueda
ワークショップ「六甲からはじめる vol.8 in モンタナ・USA」 Workshop “Start from Rokko vol.8 in MT, USA”
サマースタジオ(アーチブレイ財団内)/ アメリカ合衆国モンタナ州ヘレナ市
2012年3月 植田麻由